Periodontal Therapy
Do your gums bleed every time you floss? You might want to talk to Dr. Crosby about Periodontal disease.
Periodontal diseases are associated with a long-lasting bacteria infection in the gums causing inflammation. These types of diseases can range from gingivitis to periodontitis. If left untreated these periodontal infections can destroy the bone around the teeth and possibly result in the loss of the tooth.
At Mountainside Dental Care, there non-surgical periodontal treatments available for those with chronic periodontal disease. One treatment that we use is called antibiotic gels. This treatment is used by placing the gels underneath the gum to treat the inflammation and help you avoid painful surgery.
We will do our best to treat periodontal disease using non-surgical treatments and strategies. If the problem persists, we will discuss possible options, including surgical treatments. Our knowledgeable dental staff will help determine which is the best solution for you and your overall oral health.